I didn't want to wake up, get out of bed, or go to work today. The light hurt my eyes and all I wanted to do was sleep in and take a bath and clean my bathroom.
I've been nesting this week. I made one and one half curtains (the second one is all cut and pinned but not sewn), started painting so stuff, and got all sorts of decoratey on my house's ass. I just want to continue!
I got feline photo bombed this morning. Inertia kitty wall all over my business. Luckily she wakes me up when my alarm fails.
I've been getting lazy about posting my pictures on time. Rest assured I'm taking them, because I know everyone is so worried about that. I've gotten in the habit of posting two every other day, but I went like four days without.
This week is going to be another busy one at work. Lots of crazy projects to get done!
Today is Cameron's one day off for the week! It's almost always a Sunday. I'm excited to spend a whole day together. Breakfast, I'm gonna drag him to some shopping, then he can watch some more football.
Last night we went to my parent's house for some homemade chili colorado and the Packers v. 49ers game. That would by my dad v. Cameron. It was a lot of fun!
I got so much done today! Tidied up my art room, worked on my niece's birthday present, cleaned quite a bit of the house, including dusting all of the electronics which doesn't get done often. Went to lunch with my sister, and that was fun. It was FREEZING inside the Olive Garden, though. We did a little thrifting too. Didn't get to cleaning out my garage yet though. I'm excited to watch the Packers v. 49ers game tonight!
This morning I got lazy and skipped my crunches (gasp!). I really need to not do that, I want my tummy to look good at my wedding!
In fact, this morning I got out of bed and straight into the shower, no photo! So here I am after my shower sitting on my bed. Still no makeup or anything.
Tonight we're gonna go to the Nampa Sushi place again. Not as good as some others, but it's close and not as busy. It's a terrible ordeal to go to Kyoto when it's not the weekend.
I swear I'm not as angry as I look today! I look so grumpy, but I'm having a pretty good day, and this morning wasn't bad either. The below freezing cold weather, snow, and crappy roads aside, today's perty great.
So much to do today! Busy morning, busy work day, and afterwards it's straight off to the grandparent's house for dinner.
In other news, I think I need to start turning on more lights for these photos. But I usually take them before I get up, so I only have the night stand lamp on. I'll figure something out!
I forgot to take a picture for the first time! I got up, ran for a few minutes on the treadmill, hopped in the shower, and then remembered shortly after. So this picture was actually taken after I showered, but before I did any makeup or dressing or dried my hair :)
Feeling a bit haggardish today. Woke up like this, ran for a few minutes on the treadmill (I got up pretty late, but I managed to fit in 50 cals), threw my hair in a pony, transferred dinner from the freezer to the fridge, and rushed out the door.
Then I rushed back in the door to get my purse. Repeated this purse forgetting at lunch time as well. But I blame that on the 3 inches of snow I had to bury my car out from under. It's finally above freezing for the first time in a week and we get dumped on!
Currently I'm sitting in bed with my eyeliner smeared across my face, still putting off removing it.
Once I do that and get dressed we can go get breakfast! Going out to eat on Sunday mornings is one of my favorite things. We used to be more adventurous and go to different places - but being out where we live now there's only 3 decent places within a 30 minute drive. One of them is delicious and has breakfast booze, one gives you giant portions that are impossible to finish, and one is more of a regular diner. NONE are good for my 'I wanna get in shape before the wedding' plans. On my wedding day, when I can barely fit into my dress I'll look back and say, 'at least I ate tasty foods!'